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  • Writer's pictureSteven Crayne

Write These Senators Today! Vote Yes on SR 135

To all our supporters who want to see the great American sport of racing come to Georgia, we need your immediate help. At this very moment, opponents to racing are writing to legislators, spreading misconceptions and fear about our plan to bring this great sport and 1,000’s of jobs to Georgia.

Please copy and paste the letter below, filling in your name and address as needed, and email the following Senators who will be voting on SR 135 ASAP!

You can send one email to all of the members listed below. The vote will be taking place within the next week.,,,,,,,,,,,

Subject: Support the Sport of Horse Racing in Georgia

Dear Members of the Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee:

My name is ________ and as one of your constituents and supporters, I urge you to vote yes on SR 135. As a voter in your district, I think you will agree that every opportunity to capitalize on additional revenue for our state should be a priority for our state. I also hope you agree that truly great leaders listen to what the voters want.

The Great American Sport of Horse Racing, one of our nation’s oldest sports, will create thousands of much needed jobs for our state and generate up to $25 million in revenues for the state. With Georgia’s proud sports heritage and Equine tradition, bringing racing to our state will add another sports venue that appeals to so many whose interests otherwise has gone ignored. The envisioned track and surrounding recreational space is structured around family outings and draws a majority of higher income clientele.

We presently have under construction new baseball and football stadiums that require taxpayer support in the way of bonds and other soft costs to the citizens of Georgia. A track for horse racing and adjacent park would not place a financial burden on Georgia taxpayers because initial financial support for construction is generated from private investors whom have already made a lucrative commitment.

A recent survey done by a reputable firm at no cost to taxpayer resulted in overwhelming support for horse racing, 72% of those polled voted in favor.

Please let me know where you stand on this issue since it will be a major factor in my future voting decisions.

Please vote yes on SR 135.

Thank you so much,

NAME Address

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